Evaluation, Research, Assessment (EAR) Task Force
The Evaluation, Research, Assessment (EAR) Task Force
The goals of the EAR task force are:
- Be a
data resource to EP Teen Pregnancy Coalition.
- Promote
evaluation for EP Teen Pregnancy Coalition activities and programs.
- Identify
and analyze current and past teen pregnancy prevention projects in EP
County. (example: matrix/info resource list)
- Conduct a youth risk or teen pregnancy behavior factors assessment in EP County by random selection within local ISDs.
Chair: Isabel Soto-Ortega (isabel.d.soto@elpasotexas.gov)
Co-Chair: Monica Leal (lealmx@elpasotexas.gov)
Co-Chair: Monica Leal (lealmx@elpasotexas.gov)
Coalition Fact Sheets
Births to Teen 2000-2010 Repeat Teen Births
Teen Childbearing Costs